Greg Hammons

Greg Hammons is a graduate of The Ohio State University where he earned his BSBA with a specialization in Logistics Management and a minor in Spanish. He currently works at YouTube as a financial analyst. His passion is embedded in the work he does to create value within the entertainment industry and also in his efforts to give back to his community. To augment his community outreach, he founded Forever Phase, LLC in 2014 which is an inspirational entertainment company through which he delivers motivational speeches, professional development workshops, and online inspirational content. The goal of Forever Phase, LLC is to encourage youth to pursue a higher education and a higher purpose for their lives. Greg has delivered keynote presentations to audiences of 700+ for organizations including: Google, California DECA, The Boys and Girls Club, The Columbus Urban League, and The Fisher College of Business.

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Learning How To Learn for Youth (Coursera)

Based on the most popular open online course in the world, this course gives you easy access to the learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. No matter what your current skill level, using these approaches can help you master [...]