Gemma Armengol Rosell

Gemma Armengol Rosell, Professor at the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology at the UAB. She has taught classes on “Human Body and Health” and “Society, science and culture” in the degrees of Infant Education and Primary Education of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB. She is currently teaching “Human Genetics” and “Cancer Genetics” of the Genetic and Biological Sciences Degrees at the Faculty of Biosciences of the UAB. She is interested in the scientific dissemination and in this sense she has published two articles in the UAB magazine UAB DIVULGA. She has participated in two teaching innovation projects.

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Women in environmental biology (Coursera)

Have you ever wondered how humans relate to other living beings and what do you need to know to be able to understand current environmental problems? Do you know that many of these researches and knowledge have been described by women? This course gives answers to these questions and [...]