Amogh Kulkarni

Amogh Kulkarni is a senior product manager in Product Management for Data Warehousing with expertise in SAP Datasphere.
Since joining SAP he has taken up multiple roles and was with SAP Datasphere (formerly knows as SAP Data Warehouse Cloud) before its release.
With a background in database development, Amogh focuses on topics like data management, transport & lifecycle, and monitoring. He has a strong customer focus, which leads to him being involved in numerous customer discussions as well as enablement sessions.

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Introduction to SAP Datasphere (openSAP)

Sep 5th 2023
Introduction to SAP Datasphere (openSAP)
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Join this free online course to learn about SAP Datasphere and explore how business users can leverage managed spaces and the data marketplace to explore data, integrate information, and share insights.