Introduction to SAP Datasphere (openSAP)

Introduction to SAP Datasphere (openSAP)
Free Course

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Introduction to SAP Datasphere (openSAP)
Join this free online course to learn about SAP Datasphere and explore how business users can leverage managed spaces and the data marketplace to explore data, integrate information, and share insights.

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Every successful company focuses on data and analytics, but business users are often only at the receiving end, while IT prepares everything ready to be consumed. A core strength of SAP Datasphere is to extend the flexibility for self-service modeling and data sharing to boost agility.

SAP Datasphere is a multi-cloud service that provides data and semantic business modeling, multisource connectivity, and virtualization, as well as access across the enterprise, fostering collaboration in one environment. Using managed spaces and the data marketplace, business users can explore data, integrate new information, and share those insights with peers or other departments.

This course allows you to dig into SAP’s next-generation tooling using a practical example with hands-on exercises. You’ll learn to use the system starting with a simple analytical requirement. During the course we’ll gradually extend the complexity as additional tasks and requirements arise. We’ll show you how to leverage features and functions of the cloud software to get your job done and create a credible data and analytics foundation. At the end you’ll have a very good understanding of how to use SAP Datasphere for real-world use-cases.

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction and Data Modeling

Week 2: Advanced Data Modeling

Week 3: What Else You Should Know About

Week 4: Final Exam

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