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Intro to Relational Databases (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to Relational Databases (Udacity)
Free Course
SQL, DB-API, and More! This course is a quick, fun introduction to using a relational database from your code, using examples in Python. You'll learn the basics of SQL (the Structured Query Language) and database design, as well as the Python API for connecting Python code to a database. [...]

ES6 - JavaScript Improved (Udacity)

Self Paced
ES6 - JavaScript Improved (Udacity)
Free Course
Updates to the JavaScript language. ECMAScript 6, or ES6, has brought about a ton of changes to the JavaScript programming language. In this course, you'll explore those changes to learn about the latest features and improvements to the language including new keywords, arrow functions, the Class syntax, Promises, and [...]

Intro to AJAX (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to AJAX (Udacity)
Free Course
Making Asynchronous Requests with jQuery. In this course you will learn how to make asynchronous requests with JavaScript (using jQuery’s AJAX functionality), and gain a better understanding of what’s actually happening when you do so. You will also learn how to use data APIs so you can take advantage [...]

Server-Side Swift (Udacity)

Self Paced
Server-Side Swift (Udacity)
Free Course
Production-Ready Swift in the Cloud. In this course, built in collaboration with IBM and Hashicorp, you'll learn how to build server-side Swift applications that run on Linux and in the cloud, including how to use Swift to build a microservices backend. This course covers the best practices for constructing [...]

Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes (Udacity)

Self Paced
Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes (Udacity)
Free Course
Master infrastructure management. This course is designed to teach you about managing application containers, using Kubernetes. We've built this course in partnership with experts such as Kelsey Hightower and Carter Morgan from Google and Netflix’s former Cloud Architect, Adrian Cockcroft (current Technology Fellow at Battery Ventures), who provide critical [...]

Intro to jQuery (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to jQuery (Udacity)
Free Course
Manipulating Websites with Ease. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library today, in use by over 60% of the top 100,000 most visited websites. This course will teach you how to use jQuery’s core features - DOM element selections, traversal and manipulation. You'll also learn how to read and [...]

Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch (Udacity)
Free Course
Use PyTorch to implement your first deep neural network. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of deep learning, and build your own deep neural networks using PyTorch. You’ll get practical experience with PyTorch through coding exercises and projects implementing state-of-the-art AI applications such as style transfer and text [...]

Software Analysis & Testing (Udacity)

This course covers the theory and practice of software analysis, which lies at the heart of many software development processes such as diagnosing bugs, testing, debugging, and more. It presents diverse techniques, each with their own strengths and limitations, for automating tasks such as testing, debugging, and finding bugs [...]

Xcode Debugging (Udacity)

Self Paced
Xcode Debugging (Udacity)
Free Course
Print Statements, Breakpoints, and LLDB. "If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in." Edsger W. Dijkstra Debugging is yin to programming's yang; you can't have one without the other. However, finding bugs in programs can be an incredibly frustrating [...]

Model Building and Validation (Udacity)

Self Paced
Model Building and Validation (Udacity)
Free Course
Advanced Techniques for Analyzing Data. This course will teach you how to start from scratch in answering questions about the real world using data. Machine learning happens to be a small part of this process. The model building process involves setting up ways of collecting data, understanding and paying [...]