Make JavaScript easier with jQuery (OpenClassrooms)

Make JavaScript easier with jQuery (OpenClassrooms)
Free Course
This course requires basic JavaScript knowledge
Make JavaScript easier with jQuery (OpenClassrooms)
jQuery is indispensable in the world of front-end web development. jQuery an open-source JavaScript library that will make your JavaScript development exponentially easier. You'll enjoy greater ease of selecting elements, creating animations, using forms, and using AJAX to load data asynchronously.

Learning goals:

You'll be able to integrate jQuery into your web projects. You'll acquire base knowledge of selecting and modifying elements upon which you can build more advanced jQuery know-how.


This course requires basic JavaScript knowledge. If you're starting from no JavaScript knowledge, begin with Learn to code with JavaScript. If you already have a JavaScript base, check out Use JavaScript in your web projects to make sure you're up to speed. You don't need to understand all the concepts, but you should have a functional JavaScript vocabulary (functions, variables, loops).

Part #1 - Interact with elements

1. Include jQuery in your project

2. Select elements

3. Insert and replace elements

Quiz: jQuery basics

Part #2 - Create events and effects

1. Basic events

2. Animations and effects

3. Timers

Quiz: Events and more

Part #3 - Make AJAX requests with jQuery

1. Understand AJAX

2. Load page portions via AJAX

3. Loading other data via AJAX

Activity: Create a music shop storefront