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Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”) (Coursera)

ModPo is a FREE (no fee, no charge) fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U.S. poetry, with an emphasis on experimental verse, from Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman to the present. Participants (who need no prior experience with poetry) will learn how to read poems that are supposedly "difficult." [...]

Leveraging Gen AI for Code Generation: An Introduction (Coursera)

This course comprises three videos, each offering a unique perspective on the use of Generative AI (Gen AI) in software development, specifically in code generation. It's important to note that there are no hands-on practices or assessments in this course.

Ongoing U.S. Settler Colonialism & Native Peoples Teach-Out (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Ongoing U.S. Settler Colonialism & Native Peoples Teach-Out (Coursera)
Free Course
Increasingly, terms such as “colonialism,” “decolonization,” and “social structures,” appear in media, conversations, and educational spaces, often without nuanced explanations of these concepts and how they relate to current U.S. society and the individuals in it. To provide a space to think, learn, and feel about these concepts as [...]

Series Orientation: Transforming Education (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Series Orientation: Transforming Education (Coursera)
Free Course
Series Orientation welcomes learners to the Transforming Education series, introduces Self-Directed/Community-Supported Learning as our core instructional design, and positions learners for success as aspiring change agents.

Planning a Generative AI Project (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Planning a Generative AI Project (Coursera)
Free Course
Planning a Generative AI Project is the second course in a three-part series of Generative AI Essentials for Business and Technical Decision Makers. If you have not done so already, it is recommended that you start with the first course in the series called Introduction to Generative AI: Art [...]

LangChain Chat with Your Data (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
LangChain Chat with Your Data (Coursera)
Free Course
LangChain: Chat With Your Data delves into two main topics: (1) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), a common LLM application that retrieves contextual documents from an external dataset, and (2) a guide to building a chatbot that responds to queries based on the content of your documents, rather than the [...]

Visualizing Women's Work: Using Art Media for Social Justice (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Visualizing Women's Work: Using Art Media for Social Justice (Coursera)
Free Course
Discover the historical erasure of women’s work through social justice art. Public art has often ignored the work and legacy of minorities and women, but recently there has been a welcome reappraisal of publicly displayed visual monuments and art media. This course dives into the artistic process, exploring how [...]

Data Analyst Career Guide and Interview Preparation (Coursera)

This course is designed to prepare you to enter the job market as a data analyst. It provides guidance about the regular functions and tasks of data analysts and their place in the data ecosystem, as well as the opportunities of the profession and some options for career development. [...]

Corporate governance. Mitos y realidades (Coursera)

El corporate governance o gobierno corporativo es uno de los temas más relevantes de nuestro tiempo, tanto desde el punto de vista jurídico como económico. Se trata de una corriente universal, impulsada desde el ámbito anglosajón, pero fuertemente desarrollada en Europa y también en Iberoamérica, Asia o África. [...]

Excel aplicado a los negocios (Nivel Avanzado) (Coursera)

Objetivos Generales: Al finalizar el curso, podrás: 1.- ENTENDER y profundizar convenientemente aspectos específicos de diferentes formas de trabajo (individual o grupal), 2.- EVALUAR el uso de funciones avanzadas para manipular datos y CREAR tus propios análisis utilizando técnicas específicas tales como tablas dinámicas, análisis de hipótesis, [...]