Kubernetes Integration and Advanced Orchestration Techniques (Coursera)

Kubernetes Integration and Advanced Orchestration Techniques (Coursera)
Course Auditing
At least 1-2 years of practical experience in deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters or similar containerization technologies.

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Kubernetes Integration and Advanced Orchestration Techniques (Coursera)
The culminating course in this specialization dives into the integration of Kubernetes with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between container orchestration and streamlined software delivery processes. Throughout this course, learners explore advanced orchestration techniques, including essential topics such as Helm, Kubernetes Operators, custom controllers, and GitOps workflows.

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By the end of the course, students will not only have gained proficiency in these advanced Kubernetes concepts but will also possess the practical skills necessary to seamlessly incorporate them into their development workflows. Armed with this expertise, they will be well-equipped to efficiently manage Kubernetes clusters while optimizing the entire software development lifecycle using advanced orchestration techniques, thereby positioning themselves as valuable assets in the ever-evolving world of containerized application deployment.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

- Describe the importance of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in Kubernetes environments

- Explain the role of Kubernetes in CI/CD pipelines

- Design and implement CI/CD pipelines for Kubernetes applications

- Evaluate the effectiveness of CI/CD pipelines in streamlining development workflows

- Explain the importance and benefits of Helm in Kubernetes package management

- Identify the components and architecture of Helm

- Create and manage Helm charts for Kubernetes applications

- Analyze and optimize the deployment of applications using Helm

- Explore the role and benefits of Kubernetes Operators and custom controllers

- Design and implement custom controllers and Operators for Kubernetes applications

- Explain the GitOps workflow and its benefits in Kubernetes environments

- Integrate GitOps workflows in Kubernetes cluster management

This course is part of the Advanced Kubernetes Specialization.


Welcome & Module 1: Integrating Kubernetes with CI/CD Pipelines

Welcome to the first module of the final course in our three-part Advanced Kubernetes series! In this module, we will describe Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in Kubernetes, investigating its seamless integration with Kubernetes clusters, and how this dynamic duo of Kubernetes and CI/CD automates, streamlines, and elevates the efficiency, consistency, and reliability of your software delivery process.

Module 2: Kubernetes Package Management with Helm

In this second module of our Advanced Kubernetes course, we will dive deeper into Helm, the powerful Kubernetes package manager. It has three main parts: Helm CLI, which is like a control center; Helm Charts, which are like app packages; and Helm Repositories, where you find and share these charts. Together, they simplify app deployment and management in Kubernetes.

Module 3: Advanced Orchestration Techniques: Operators, Custom Controllers, and GitOps

Welcome to the final module of our Advanced Kubernetes course! In this module, we'll explore Kubernetes Operators and Custom Controllers. Operators automate tasks like scaling databases, while Custom Controllers provide broader customization and policy enforcement. We'll also cover the Kubernetes Operator Framework and the Operator SDK to empower you to build custom Operators effectively. Get ready to master automation and custom resource management in Kubernetes!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
44.00 EUR/month
At least 1-2 years of practical experience in deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters or similar containerization technologies.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.