Introduction to Terraform (Coursera)

Introduction to Terraform (Coursera)
Course Auditing
A review of AWS EC2 instances is recommended.

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Introduction to Terraform (Coursera)
Code and apply your first Terraform configuration without installing anything! This course is designed for learners with limited knowledge of cloud computing, providing a solid foundation of cloud infrastructure provisioning and management, using Terraform, an open-source IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) tool. The modules in this course cover Terraform's basic architecture and syntax, managing resources, and other related topics. A review of AWS EC2 instances is recommended.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

To allow for a truly hands-on, self-paced learning experience, this course is video-free. Assignments contain short explanations with images and runnable code examples, building a deeper understanding by doing. You'll benefit from instant feedback from a variety of assessment items along the way, gently progressing from quick understanding checks (multiple choice, fill in the blank, and un-scrambling code blocks) to small, approachable coding exercises that take minutes instead of hours.

This course can be applied to multiple Specializations or Professional Certificates programs. Completing this course will count towards your learning in any of the following programs:

- Containers in the Cloud Specialization

- DevOps: Introduction to Developer Operations Specialization.

What You Will Learn

- How to use Terraform to build, change and destroy infrastructure?

- How to manage resource dependencies and similar resources in Terraform?



Terraform States

Welcome to Week 1 of the Introduction to Terraform course. These assignments cover what is Terraform, it's basic architecture, different Terraform Constructs and the syntax they follow, and explain Terraform state in detail. The module ends with graded summative assessments.


Managing Terraform Resources and Dependencies

Welcome to Week 2 of the Introduction to Terraform course. These assignments are all about resources, the most important element in the Terraform language, and explain how to provision and update resources, as well as how to manage similar resources and dependencies. The module ends with graded summative assessments.


Organizing Terraform Modules

Welcome to Week 3 of the Introduction to Terraform course. These assignments cover Terraform modules and how to create them, and how to manage sensitive data in Terraform. The module ends with a hands-on lab and graded summative assessments.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
46.00 EUR/month
A review of AWS EC2 instances is recommended.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.