Health Impacts of Chemicals in Consumer Products (Coursera)

Health Impacts of Chemicals in Consumer Products (Coursera)
Course Auditing

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Health Impacts of Chemicals in Consumer Products (Coursera)
This course focuses on assessing health impacts of chemicals in products and of fine particulate emitted along the product life cycle. We first develop the assessment framework to assess exposure and health impacts of chemicals in products. We then detail the application of mass-balance approaches to the case of parabens in personal care products.

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Participants then learn to assess the human health impacts of chemicals in products using the USEtox model (UN-Environment toxicity model) and discuss the level of protection offered by existing regulations about chemicals in products contrasting US and Europe. We extend the assessment to risks and impacts 5000+ chemical-household product combinations identifying the products and chemicals of concern in e.g. home maintenance and personal care products and looking at children as a sensitive population and at the magnitude of the risks associated with exposures to chemicals in toys. We also introduce a Life Cycle-based approach to Chemical Alternatives Assessment (CAA) combining both quantified exposure and hazards and discuss the applicability domain of CAA compared to Risk Assessment (RA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). We finally determine exposure to and effect of fine particulates on human health along the product and chemical supply chain and life cycle. This course concludes the course series by providing cutting-edge progress on the overall exposome and compares the health impacts of multiple environmental exposures on health.

Course 4 of 4 in the Healthy and Sustainable Foods and Products Specialization.



Chemicals in Products

This course focuses on assessing the health impacts of chemicals in products and of fine particulates emitted along the product life cycle. This week we will develop the assessment framework to assess exposure and health impacts of chemicals in products. Then we detail the application of mass-balance approaches to the case of parabens in personal care products. Participants then learn to assess the human health impacts of chemicals in products using the USEtox model (UN-Environment toxicity model) and discuss the level of protection offered by existing regulations about chemicals in products contrasting US and Europe.


Chemicals of Concern

This week we will extend the assessment to risks and impacts 5000+ chemical-household product combinations identifying the products and chemicals of concern in e.g. home maintenance and personal care products and looking at children as a sensitive population and at the magnitude of the risks associated with exposures to chemicals in toys.


Life Cycle Based Chemical Alternatives Assessment and Impacts of Fine particulates

This week we will introduce a Life Cycle-based approach to Chemical Alternatives Assessment (CAA) combining both quantified exposure and hazards and discuss the applicability domain of CAA compared to Risk Assessment (RA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Finally, we will determine exposure to and effect of fine particulates on human health along the product and chemical supply chain and life cycle. This course concludes the course series by providing cutting-edge progress on the overall exposome and compares the health impacts of multiple environmental exposures on health.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
72.00 EUR/month

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.