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Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Taiwan, and Hong Kong (edX)

Use the case study method to study China from the rise of Deng Xiaoping to the present. Using case studies from the Harvard Business School, this course will cover the contemporary Chinese scene by focusing on five main themes in China’s development: agriculture, entrepreneurship, education, environment, and [...]

China and Communism (edX)

Explore the Maoist period of China, from the Communist Party to the death of Mao and the reopening of China. How did the Communists conquer China? What role does culture play? What are the successes and failures of the Chinese Communist Party after seizing power in 1949? What constitutes [...]

Working as a Game Writer (edX)

Learn what it takes to work as a video game writer: from resumes to writing tests to contracts and NDAs. What is it like to work as a video game writer? How do you even apply for game writing jobs? Is it true that you might have to take [...]

Doing Gender and Why it Matters (edX)

Understand gendered realities through an in-depth consideration of "sex" and "gender" as cultural, social and legal phenomena impacting society and how they interact with structures of power and violence using an interdisciplinary lens. The course is a comparative, interdisciplinary and cross-sector conversation which encourages reflective thinking about practices of [...]

Del trazo caligráfico al método paleográfico: experimentando la materialidad de los manuscritos históricos (edX)

Práctica paleográfica y caligráfica en ciclos de escritura histórica y procesos materiales de creación del manuscrito, conservación e interpretación. El tiempo y el espacio son elementos vertebradores de toda la propuesta de contenidos en torno al mundo del manuscrito histórico. En esta ocasión, la identificación de procesos, la materialidad [...]

Historia de la ética (edX)

Una mirada hacia el pasado de la ética para poder afrontar mejor los problemas del futuro. Una visión crítica de la ética y la moral sin olvidar el sentido del humor. Cada día debemos afrontar diferentes problemas éticos a los que no tenemos claro qué respuesta dar como sociedad. [...]

Caligrafía y paleografía: espacios históricos para su estudio y práctica (edX)

Aprende a leer e interpretar los manuscritos históricos mediante un novedoso enfoque integral que combina paleografía y caligrafía. Este nuevo curso de caligrafía y paleografía participa de los planteamientos de las humanidades digitales.

Introducción a la caligrafía y paleografía en archivos hispanos medievales y modernos (edX)

Una innovadora experiencia del aprendizaje mediante la lectura y la escritura de tipos de letra histórica. ¿Desea comprender el contexto histórico de las culturas medievales hispánicas que crearon documentos como forma de comunicación manuscrita? ¿Le interesa alcanzar unas competencias profesionales para leer y escribir tipos históricos de letra? [...]

Introduction to Digital Humanities (edX)

Develop skills in digital research and visualization techniques across subjects and fields within the humanities. This course will show you how to manage the many aspects of digital humanities research and scholarship. Whether you are a student or scholar, librarian or archivist, museum curator or public historian — or [...]

Political Geography and the Modern World (Coursera)

This course is primarily aimed at first- and second-year undergraduate students interested in international relations and politics, along with other professionals who are motivated to learn about political geography. The course intends to provide an insight into the origin and history of political geography, while also engage with the [...]