Economics & Finance

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Finance of Mergers and Acquisitions: Designing an M&A Deal (Coursera)

This course focuses on the theory and practice of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), with a focus on the Finance. The Finance of M&A uses tools from different areas of Finance to help managers and investment bankers design successful M&A deals. In particular, we will learn to value and price [...]

Fundos de Investimento (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Fundos de Investimento (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Fundos de Investimento. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre alguns dos principais conceitos relacionados aos fundos de investimento, sua classificação, características e demais informações importantes para a adequada orientação ao cliente investidor com relação a esta [...]

The Classical Linear Regression Model (Coursera)

In this course, you will discover the type of questions that econometrics can answer, and the different types of data you might use: time series, cross-sectional, and longitudinal data.

Hypotheses Testing in Econometrics (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn why it is rational to use the parameters recovered under the Classical Linear Regression Model for hypothesis testing in uncertain contexts.

Topics in Applied Econometrics (Coursera)

In this course, you will discover models and approaches that are designed to deal with challenges raised by the empirical econometric modelling and particular types of data.

ESG Impact: Investor Perspective (Coursera)

In this course, you will analyze the importance of assessing stakeholder interest or salience in different ESG factors and industry variances. You will also evaluate the importance of ESG factors in your investment decisions, including how you can use them to create socially responsible portfolios with better-than-average returns. [...]

ESG Risks and Opportunities (Coursera)

In this course, you will explore the foundations upon which modern-day ESG was built, how market forces react to ESG, and ways to create and maintain value using ESG investment strategies. You will also learn about the five pathways of materiality, and how those interplay with or against ESG [...]

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Opportunities and Risks (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Opportunities and Risks (Coursera)
Course Auditing
DeFi and the Future of Finance is a set of four courses that focus on decentralized finance. The final course is called DeFi Opportunities and Risks. It is essential that you complete the first three courses: I. DeFi Infrastructure; II. DeFi Primitives; and III. DeFi Deep Dive before beginning [...]

Ética y Gobierno Corporativo (Coursera)

En este curso de Ética y Gobierno Corporativo estudiaremos y analizaremos la importancia desde lo estratégico, pero también desde lo reputacional, que tiene trabajar para ser una empresa ética y responsable con todos los ámbitos del negocio. Los objetivos de este curso se orientan a comprender las diferentes miradas [...]

Economics and Policies of Climate Change (Coursera)

Being aware of the urgency and importance of climate change is not enough to tackle it effectively. To avoid the worst climate outcomes, decisive action has to be taken. But what realistic options do we have? Since our resources are limited, is it better to act now or wait [...]