Financial University

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is one of the earliest Russian institutions of higher education training economists, financiers, mathematicians, IT-specialist. The number of students on main educational programs is more 47,000. University is steadily increasing its presence and improving the positions in world and national rankings, it’s include in Top-100 world's best universities and ranks 3rd by level a demand of graduates’ employers in Russia.

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Developing economies of Latin America, Eurasia and Africa (Coursera)

This course concerns mainly not developed countries of the world but still very promising. And we will start in the first module with studying the Latin American economies. And those are the biggest and the most promising Brazil or Argentina. We will try to understand why Brazil or Mexico [...]

Current and future leaders: North American, Asian economies (Coursera)

The course current and future leaders is actually divided into two parts. The first one concerns the North American countries, the second concerns Asian and the third one concerns the new leaders of the world.

Typology of countries and European economies (Coursera)

The course topology of countries and European economies actually contains three modules. The first one will explain how the different countries of the world are divided into several groups of different economic organizations of the world, like, for example, the World Bank or United Nations.