Visual Thinking

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Using Rapid Prototyping in the Engineering Design Process (Coursera)

Jan 6th 2025
Using Rapid Prototyping in the Engineering Design Process (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Hello, everyone! Welcome to this course on Using Rapid Prototyping in the Engineering Design Process. This is part of the Rapid Prototyping and Tooling specialization. In this course, I’ll cover the engineering design process and how it can be used to solve open-ended problems. I’ll discuss the different stages [...]

Diseño e innovación de modelo de negocios (Coursera)

Jan 6th 2025
Diseño e innovación de modelo de negocios (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El núcleo del Diseño de Modelo de Negocios se encuentra en las habilidades y liderazgo del manager emprendedor. Requiere un enfoque disciplinado para buscar oportunidades, asi como reunir y alinear recursos para alcanzar objetivos importantes. En este curso, los alumnos fortaleceran dos habilidades importantes: la intuición y el pensamiento [...]

Design and innovation of business model (Coursera)

Jan 6th 2025
Design and innovation of business model (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The core of Business Model Design lies in skills and leadership of the entrepreneurial manager. It requires a disciplined approach to seeking opportunities, as well as gathering and aligning resources to achieve important goals. In this course, students will strengthen two important skills: intuition and visual thinking, while applying [...]

Design and innovation of business model (edX)

Business models are an important tool when starting a new business or building a growth company. Business model analysis provides us with a simple and effective framework for evaluating new opportunities.

Sketchnote4Everybody - #Sketchnote4E (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Sketchnote4Everybody - #Sketchnote4E (Skillshare)
Free Course
This is a from-zero-to-hero, crash-course in Sketchnoting! Mauro Toselli is a Sketchnoter since 2012, he lives and work in Italy and he use sketchnote in almost any aspect of his life and work. He will guide you through all the steps that we will take to create a complete, [...]

Visual Thinking: Drawing Data to Communicate Ideas (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Visual Thinking: Drawing Data to Communicate Ideas (Skillshare)
Free Course
Dive into functional drawing! Join information designer and artist Catherine Madden for a 60-minute class demystifying how drawing can help you communicate ideas clearer, faster, and stronger. As she draws everyday data into friendly stories and charts, you'll learn how a few simple moves can help you organize your [...]