Urban Mobility

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Street Experiments for Sustainable and Resilient cities (Coursera)

Our streetscape, despite its feeling of permanence in our environment, is an ideal venue for experimentation. We have come to accept traffic movement as the default function for the street. Therefore, we need to rethink its design and space distribution, go back to its original and basic function and [...]

Urban Air Mobility (Coursera)

Sneak preview: The course modules will be gradually expanded over the next few weeks and new videos and quizzes will be added to further expand the existing course. // This course is primarily aimed at master students and phd-candidates interested in exploring new fields in aerospace. The course gives [...]

Mobilité et urbanisme (Coursera)

Le cours présente un tour d’horizon introductif des interactions entre la mobilité et les dynamiques urbaines. Il propose des outils méthodologiques et opérationnels permettant d’appréhender et de réguler la mobilité.

Road safety in the Caribbean region: safe urban mobility (edX)

Learn about the so call “vulnerable users” and get a good understanding of some of the main challenges and effective interventions for safe urban mobility. Do you know that in most of the Latin America and the Caribbean countries more than half of the road traffic fatalities are “vulnerable [...]

Transformative Living Labs in Urban Climate Action and Transportation Planning (edX)

Jan 16th 2024
Transformative Living Labs in Urban Climate Action and Transportation Planning (edX)
Course Auditing
This course is an introduction to sustainable and equitable solutions in urban mobility, and to the “living labs” model: a method of co-development among public and private actors, researchers, and civil society to accelerate innovation in climate action and sustainable urban planning and [...]

Transformando la Movilidad Urbana: Introducción a la Planeación del Transporte para Ciudades Sostenibles (FutureLearn)

Descubre las diferentes dimensiones de la movilidad urbana sostenible, incluyendo el marco Evitar-Cambiar-Mejorar ECM. Se recomienda traducir completamente esta página usando la función de traducción del navegador antes de continuar. Aprende cómo los proyectos de movilidad urbana pueden ayudar a crear ciudades [...]

Transforming Urban Mobility: Components of Transport Planning for Sustainable Cities (FutureLearn)

Examine how different types of public transport can be employed to make urban transport more sustainable. Discover how urban transport can be made more sustainable. Good transport systems and projects are critical to the development of sustainable cities. On this course, you’ll consider the Avoid-Shift-Improve (ASI) framework – particularly [...]

Transforming Urban Mobility: Introduction to Transport Planning for Sustainable Cities (FutureLearn)

Discover the different dimensions of sustainable urban mobility, including the Avoid-Shift-Improve (ASI) framework. Good transport systems and projects are critical to the development of environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive cities. This course considers the impacts of motorisation, our current unsustainable travel patterns, and the framework for changing to sustainable [...]

Achieving Transitions to Zero Carbon Emissions and Sustainable Urban Mobility (FutureLearn)

Discover how cities can transform their urban mobility systems to become more sustainable and reach zero carbon emissions. Understand the steps to becoming sustainable city. Transport accounts for a large proportion of carbon emissions, so ensuring urban mobility systems are sustainable is key to helping cities to achieve zero-carbon [...]

Transformative Living Labs in Mobility (edX)

This course is an introduction to sustainable and equitable solutions in urban mobility, and to the “living labs” model: a method of co-development among public and private actors, researchers, and civil society to accelerate innovation in climate action and sustainable urban planning and [...]