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Introduction to TensorFlow Lite (Udacity)

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Introduction to TensorFlow Lite (Udacity)
Free Course
Learn how to deploy deep learning models on mobile and embedded devices with TensorFlow Lite. Learn how to deploy deep learning models on mobile and embedded devices with TensorFlow Lite. This course was developed by the TensorFlow team and Udacity as a practical approach to model deployment for software [...]

How to Create Tic-Tac-Toe Game for iPhone using Swift in Xcode - [iOS App Tutorial] (Skillshare)

Welcome to the course 'How to create Tic-Tac-Toe Game for iPhone using Swift in Xcode - [iOS App Tutorial]' where our aim is to develop the famous Tic Tac Toe or also called as X and O game for your iPhone using Swift and Xcode. Want to create [...]

Learn Swift Series (Skillshare)

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Learn Swift Series (Skillshare)
Free Course
In this Swift tutorial series, you'll learn how to code even if you're a beginner with no programming experience. The lessons are laid out in a step by step lesson plan that anyone can use to get a rock solid Swift development foundation.

iOS Networking with Swift (Udacity)

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iOS Networking with Swift (Udacity)
Free Course
Web Services, APIs, and JSON. In this course, you’ll learn how to incorporate networking into your apps, so they can access data from around the world. You’ll learn how to harness the power of APIs to display images and retrieve movie data. At the end of the course, you’ll [...]

Server-Side Swift (Udacity)

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Server-Side Swift (Udacity)
Free Course
Production-Ready Swift in the Cloud. In this course, built in collaboration with IBM and Hashicorp, you'll learn how to build server-side Swift applications that run on Linux and in the cloud, including how to use Swift to build a microservices backend. This course covers the best practices for constructing [...]

Swift for Developers (Udacity)

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Swift for Developers (Udacity)
Free Course
Your Next Programming Language. This course offers a quick practical introduction to Swift basics, including types, variables, constants, and functions. It combines syntax exercises with hands-on iOS development in Xcode. By the end of the course students will build their first iOS app, an app that creates and displays [...]

Objective-C for Swift Developers (Udacity)

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Objective-C for Swift Developers (Udacity)
Free Course
This course is designed to teach students how to understand and identify the differences between the Objective-C and Swift programming languages, and especially, how to rewrite from the former to the latter. Understanding communications between the two languages—called "interoperability"—is becoming more and more important for developers, particularly as we [...]

Swift for Beginners (Udacity)

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Swift for Beginners (Udacity)
Free Course
Your First Programming Language. In this course, you’ll begin learning Swift, Apple's programming language for building iOS applications. You'll start with fundamentals and work your way towards understanding all the core principles necessary to get started creating your first app. At the end of the course, you'll complete a [...]

Learn Swift Programming Syntax (Udacity)

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Learn Swift Programming Syntax (Udacity)
Free Course
From Optionals to Closure Expressions. Swift is a language created by Apple specifically for iOS and OS X development. It’s fast, concise, and comes with tools which make it easier than ever to visualize one's code. This course focuses on the syntax of the Swift programming language. By the [...]

Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift (Udacity)

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Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift (Udacity)
Free Course
Confidently take on the tech interview. Technical interviews follow a pattern. If you know the pattern, you’ll be a step ahead of the competition. This course will introduce you to common data structures and algorithms in Swift. You'll review frequently-asked technical interview questions and learn how to structure your [...]