Public Space Design

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Placemaking and Public Space Design: Unlocking Place Potential (FutureLearn)

Gain valuable insights into microclimate effects on urban planning, and learn to design successful tourist and residential areas. Understand and maximise place potential in urban planning. Successful placemaking means creating spaces that work for both tourists and residents, and with both the environment and the climate. This skill is [...]

Placemaking and Public Space Design: Unlocking Design Potential (FutureLearn)

Oct 25th 2021
Placemaking and Public Space Design: Unlocking Design Potential (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover climate’s impact on urban planning, and how to analyse it when creating residential and tourist spaces. Use climate analysis to create better public spaces. When it comes to designing successful urban spaces, which work for both tourists and residents, analysing and understanding the influence of climate is [...]

Placemaking and Public Space Design: Unlocking Tourist Destinations (FutureLearn)

Oct 4th 2021
Placemaking and Public Space Design: Unlocking Tourist Destinations (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
What makes a top tourist destination? Discover what gives a destination ‘place potential’ and build skills for working in tourism. Discover placemaking, place shaping, and what makes an attractive tourist space. What is it that makes a tourist hotspot hot? When it comes to developing sustainable, attractive, and exciting [...]