Project Life Cycle

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Gestión del alcance: el qué de la triple restricción (Coursera)

Bienvenido al curso de Gestión del alcance. Soy Gonzalo Vela y te acompañaré a lo largo de estas 7 semanas en las que aprenderás los fundamentos básicos para definir el alcance de un proyecto de manera efectiva, con lo cual podrás entender los beneficios que ofrece un proyecto complejo, [...]

Project Management: Life cycle and project planning (Coursera)

Project Management is a fundamental theme to understand and work in any business environments. One of the main skills that Project Managers need to have deals with the ability to manage the project during its entire life-cycle and to plan the work needed to achieve the final result. During [...]

Leadership (Coursera)

In this course, you will develop and strengthen your capacity to lead and recognize leadership exhibited by others in your organization. The professional business skills related to leadership gained through this course will help you to succeed working in any organization.

Life cycle and project planning (POK)

Learn how to plan projects, assessing their evolution over time. Project Management is a fundamental theme to understand and work in any business environments. One of the main skills that Project Managers need to have deals with the ability to manage the project during its entire life-cycle and to [...]

La Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos (edX)

En este curso aprenderás distintas herramientas para planificar y dirigir los procesos de un proyecto, entendiendo por proyecto una serie de actividades diseñadas para lograr un objetivo con un alcance, recursos, inicio y final establecidos. Se abordarán los factores críticos que hay que tener en cuenta para garantizar la [...]