Model Building

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Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Model Building (Coursera)

Factorial experiments are often used in factor screening.; that is, identify the subset of factors in a process or system that are of primary important to the response. Once the set of important factors are identified interest then usually turns to optimization; that is, what levels of the important [...]

Predictive Modeling and Transforming Clinical Practice (Coursera)

This course teaches you the fundamentals of transforming clinical practice using predictive models. This course examines specific challenges and methods of clinical implementation, that clinical data scientists must be aware of when developing their predictive models.

Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (edX)

Learn about the macroeconomic motivation of the quarterly projection model (QPM), its key properties, model calibration, data filtration, and how to implement the QPM in MATLAB software in order to learn and understand practical model building and model operation as it is usually done in central banks. This online [...]

Model Building and Validation (Udacity)

Self Paced
Model Building and Validation (Udacity)
Free Course
Advanced Techniques for Analyzing Data. This course will teach you how to start from scratch in answering questions about the real world using data. Machine learning happens to be a small part of this process. The model building process involves setting up ways of collecting data, understanding and paying [...]