International Business Specialization

The International Business specialization is for learners who would like a thorough understanding of international business concepts, tools, and applications. This knowledge can be employed to advance in your current work, to prepare for international jobs and careers, and to generally understand the importance and role of international business practice on globalization and geopolitics. The specialization covers the global context of business, national cultures, human resources, marketing, supply chains logistics, foreign exchange, and modes of entry – all in the context of international business and commerce. Along the way are many lectures, examples, cases, readings, and tools that can be employed to better understand the practice of international business. The specialization emphasizes the differences between domestic versus international business practice with a particular focus on the risks and mistakes that are all too easy to make when working abroad. Upon completion of the specialization, learners will have a broad understanding of the breadth and scope of international business and a solid foundation upon which to advance their careers and interests.
- Comprehend and critique the context of global business including trade theories, globalization, political and economic systems, ethics, and international trade law.
- Apply models of national culture to international marketing and human resource management.
- Understand methods of organizing international logistics and supply chains and explain foreign currency exchange and its risks.
- Analyze and evaluate the many modes and methods that businesses can participate in international markets.

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International Business Venturing Abroad (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
International Business Venturing Abroad (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course reviews and evaluates the many ways that businesses can engage in international commerce. First presented are the three decisions that any business needs to make to go global, including a model for country selection. Next, modes of exporting and importing are discussed, followed by a review of [...]

International Business Operations (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
International Business Operations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides learners with a solid foundation in international supply, logistics, and foreign currency exchange. Foreign exchange is included in this course since it plays such an important role in planning and executing international operations. The first half of the course reviews critical roles that supply chain management, [...]

International Business Context (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
International Business Context (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course on the context of international business provides an overview of the environments in which international business has existed in the past and how it operates in the present. First, the theory and history of international trade and the place of business in global trade are summarized. Next, [...]

International Business and Culture (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
International Business and Culture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, learners develop a solid understanding of how national cultures shape international human resource management, international marketing, and international business generally. The course provides an overview of international culture, human resource management (HRM), and marketing. This may seem like a peculiar grouping of topics, but successful international [...]