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The Divine Comedy: Dante's Journey to Freedom (edX)

Jorge Luis Borges, the great Argentine writer, said that no one should deny themselves the pleasure of reading Dante's Divine Comedy. In this course, you will discover precisely what Borges meant.

Dante tra poesia e scienza (edX)

Comprendere l’avvicendarsi del discorso poetico e scientifico nella Commedia Dantesca, per avvicinare l’uomo «a quell’amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle».

Dante tra poesia e scienza (Federica Web Learning)

La Commedia di Dante, una delle opere più importanti della letteratura di tutti i tempi, è endiadi di poesia e scienza. Certamente la cultura scientifica di Dante è vasta per i suoi tempi; essa è talmente fusa nel discorso poetico che non disturba l’orecchio e la mente del lettore; [...]

The Divine Comedy: Dante's Journey to Freedom, Part 2 (Purgatorio) (edX)

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The Divine Comedy: Dante's Journey to Freedom, Part 2 (Purgatorio) (edX)
Course Auditing
After his harrowing descent into the depths of despair, the Pilgrim Dante emerges with Virgil onto the Isle of Mount Purgatorio in the southern hemisphere. There he will be healed of sin and prepared for his climactic reunion with Beatrice.

The Divine Comedy: Dante's Journey to Freedom, Part 1 (edX)

Jorge Luis Borges, the great Argentine writer, said that no one should deny themselves the pleasure of reading Dante's Divine Comedy. In this course, you will discover precisely what Borges meant.

Dante (saylor.org)

Legacy Course
Dante (saylor.org)
Free Course
Many scholars consider Dante the ultimate Italian poet of his time. He introduced innovative stylistic techniques to the poetic tradition while also drawing from the philosophy, history, and mythology of the ancient world. As we will see in the course, he composed his works in the Italian [...]