Creative Leadership

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Lessons on Wisdom: Personal Leadership for Your Life (Coursera)

Jan 13th 2025
Lessons on Wisdom: Personal Leadership for Your Life (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Lessons on Wisdom: Personal Leadership for Your Life is the culmination of four decades of studying and sharing about leaders and life for Professor Sydney Finkelstein. This course will teach you how to be a wise leader both personally and professionally. It is a personal, meaningful course that encourages [...]

The Creative Leader (Coursera)

This aims primarily at post-baccalaureate students interested in leadership theory. This is one course in the Coursera specialization, Leadership: An Introduction. It examines current trends in leadership theory invoking several disciplines, including business, sociology, philosophy, history, and psychology. [...]

Liderança Criativa e Inclusiva (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Liderança Criativa e Inclusiva. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre conteúdos de liderança, bem como do pensamento criativo e inclusivo. Serão apresentados os conceitos básicos de liderança e as bases teóricas do processo criativo baseado na neurociência, ferramentas de desbloqueio criativo e como é possível trabalhar [...]