Computer Programs

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Visual Basic Programming: Classes and Collections (Coursera)

This course is the third course in a series that aims to prepare you for a role working as a programmer. In this course, you will be introduced to the four main concepts in programming: Advanced String Operations and Dates, Modeling Classes, Development of Classes and Collections. Labs [...]

Personnel & Third-Party Security (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn all about the process of implementing effective education, training, and awareness programs. You will also study the role personnel security plays in protecting an organization’s assets, intellectual property, and physical assets. You will also be introduced to the steps required for effective Vendor [...]

Design of Computer Programs (Udacity)

Self Paced
Design of Computer Programs (Udacity)
Free Course
Programming Principles. Understanding how to approach programming problems and devise a solution is an essential skill for any Python developer. In this course, you’ll learn new concepts, patterns, and methods that will expand your coding abilities from programming expert, Peter Norvig.

Creative Coding (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Creative Coding (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Use computer programming as a creative discipline to generate sounds, images, animations and more, with this free online course. Learning to program is no longer just for computer specialists and software developers. People from many different backgrounds now want to understand the basics of programming, because it’s both fun [...]