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Pricing Options with Mathematical Models (Coursera)

Apr 1st 2024
Pricing Options with Mathematical Models (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is an introductory course on options and other financial derivatives, and their applications to risk management. We will start with defining derivatives and options, continue with discrete-time, binomial tree models, and then develop continuous-time, Brownian Motion models. A basic introduction to Stochastic, Ito Calculus will be given. The [...]

Mercados financieros (Coursera)

Una síntesis de las ideas, métodos e instituciones que permiten que la sociedad humana pueda gestionar los riesgos y promover la actividad empresarial. Un énfasis en las habilidades de liderazgo con conocimientos financieros profundos. Descripción de las prácticas actuales y el análisis de prospectos a futuro. Introducción a los [...]

Fixed Income Mathematics: Pricing and Valuation of Bonds (edX)

Learn about Pricing and Valuation of Bonds. In this course, we will learn how to determine fair values, yields and risk measures for fixed income securities. This course emphasizes conceptual understanding, but maintains a level of rigor suitable for the development of an effective fixed income [...]

Finance Essentials (edX)

Discover how to use fundamental finance tools in both management and MBA learning contexts and understand common financial situations faced in everyday life. Want to study for an MBA but are unsure of basic financial concepts? This business and management course prepares you for studying finance in an MBA [...]

Financial Investment & Risk Management (Coursera)

All investors in the financial market including large invest companies and private investors face common challenges when they make asset allocation decisions: where to invest, how to fulfill their obligations and what risk to take. This course will help you to gain skills in making investment decisions in the [...]

Risk Management in the Global Economy (FutureLearn)

What is risk? This free course examines the financial markets and the role that risk management tools play in the global economy. What is risk? Why does it matter, to us and to the financial markets? What are the principles that drive the management of risk? Can we ensure [...]