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Adaptability and Resiliency (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Adaptability and Resiliency (Coursera)
Course Auditing
To survive in today’s constantly changing business landscape requires being comfortable in uncertainty. Adaptability is what allows people and businesses to solve problems, overcome challenges and move back from the edge of attrition to the more stable ground of relevance. Adaptability is everything. — Jeff Boss, Forbes. Adaptability refers [...]

The Science of Success: What Researchers Know that You Should Know (Coursera)

This engaging course is designed to help you achieve the success that you desire. Drawing on decades of scientific research, you will learn what the most successful people do differently than others, why IQ is not the most significant predictor of success (and can sometimes backfire), and why many [...]

Para servirte: la guía para adoptar un servicio más humanista e innovador (edX)

Para Servirte, es la guía que te permitirá reflexionar sobre la pertinencia de adoptar los dos factores de alta competitividad en la vida personal y la gestión administrativa empresarial aportas de la reactivación económica mundial; la cultura de servicio con sentido humanista y la innovación [...]