3D Scanning

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3D Printing Software (Coursera)

This course will demonstrate how to use 3D printing software to create digital designs that can be turned into physical objects. It will also demonstrate how 3D scanners work to turn physical objects into digital designs. This course is hands-on in nature and will provide step-by-step instructions to guide [...]

Modellazione digitale 3D: input (POK)

Modellazione digitale 3D: input (POK)
Free Course
Importare, georeferenziare e gestire, in ambiente CAD, database cartografici e fotogrammetrici. Il programma, di carattere prettamente operativo, si propone di fornire indicazioni pratiche per l’acquisizione e la gestione di cartografia da geoportale, per l’acquisizione e la gestione di dati metrico spaziali acquisiti tramite scansione 3D in ambiente reale, e [...]

Additive Technologies in Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering (Coursera)

Every teenager is ready to answer the question - what is 3d printer? But not every experienced engineer can imagine where and how additive technologies can be applied in mechanical engineering and especially in metallurgy. This is the subject of our online course. The use of additive technologies is [...]