Cameron Pittman

A passionate educator and programmer, Cameron lives and breathes web development as he creates programming courses at Udacity. Before coming here, Cameron was a combination Director of Content and web developer at Seattle startup LearnBIG. He taught four years of high school physics and chemistry in Nashville, TN, during which time he pioneered teaching physics with the video game Portal 2.
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Intro to HTML and CSS (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to HTML and CSS (Udacity)
Free Course
In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals web development, along with best practices and professional problem-solving techniques using Developer Tools. Throughout this course, you'll learn about the underlying structure of the web - HTML. You'll learn how to use this tree-like structure to create websites. You'll also learn how [...]

Building High Conversion Web Forms (Udacity)

Self Paced
Building High Conversion Web Forms (Udacity)
Free Course
Forms Rock! Any meaningful experience on the web has a form. Whether it's a form made of text boxes, toggles, buttons, checkboxes, or touchable widgets, web developers need to be purposeful about forms to make users happy and increase conversions. In this course, you'll learn best practices for modern [...]

HTML5 Canvas (Udacity)

Self Paced
HTML5 Canvas (Udacity)
Free Course
From Pixels to Animation! Canvas is an HTML5 element which gives you drawable surface inside your web pages you can control with JavaScript. Powerful enough to use for compositing images and even creating games. In this course, through several sample projects, you’ll learn how to use the canvas; how [...]

Responsive Images (Udacity)

Fewer Bytes, Faster Loads. Did you know that images account for more than 60% of the bytes on average needed to load a web page? In this course you will learn how to work with images on the modern web, so that your images look great and load quickly [...]

Browser Rendering Optimization (Udacity)

Self Paced
Browser Rendering Optimization (Udacity)
Free Course
Building 60 FPS Web Apps. Performance matters to users. Web developers need to build apps that react quickly and render smoothly. Google performance guru Paul Lewis is here to help you destroy jank and create web apps that maintain 60 frames per second performance. You'll leave this course with [...]

JavaScript Promises (Udacity)

Self Paced
JavaScript Promises (Udacity)
Free Course
Async Work Made Easy. Learn how to handle asynchronous work with ease! In this course, you'll use Native JavaScript Promises to write asynchronous code that is easy to read, easy to write and easy to debug. Along the way, you'll be using Promises to make a webapp come to life!

Intro to AJAX (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to AJAX (Udacity)
Free Course
Making Asynchronous Requests with jQuery. In this course you will learn how to make asynchronous requests with JavaScript (using jQuery’s AJAX functionality), and gain a better understanding of what’s actually happening when you do so. You will also learn how to use data APIs so you can take advantage [...]

Intro to jQuery (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to jQuery (Udacity)
Free Course
Manipulating Websites with Ease. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library today, in use by over 60% of the top 100,000 most visited websites. This course will teach you how to use jQuery’s core features - DOM element selections, traversal and manipulation. You'll also learn how to read and [...]

Responsive Web Design Fundamentals (Udacity)

Great Experiences on Any Device. In this course you'll learn the fundamentals of responsive web design with Google's Pete LePage! You'll create your own responsive web page that works well on any device - phone, tablet, desktop or anything in between.

Website Performance Optimization (Udacity)

The Critical Rendering Path. You will learn how to optimize any website for speed by diving into the details of how mobile and desktop browsers render pages. In this short course, you’ll learn about the Critical Rendering Path, or the set of steps browsers must take to convert HTML, [...]