Alicia Pérez Blanco

Alicia Pérez Blanco, M. D., Ph. D., specializes in critical care. She works at the critical care unit of the Hospital de la Princesa (Madrid). She has acted as a transplant coordinator and currently serves as a member of the Ethics Committee of the Hospital de la Princesa. She has written several articles on the bioethical aspects of donation after cardio-circulatory death and has presented at several academic and professional meetings.

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Trasplante de órganos: desafíos éticos y jurídicos (edX)

En este curso analizaremos algunos interrogantes éticos y jurídicos que suscita el trasplante de órganos. Desde que en 1954 se realizara el primer trasplante exitoso de un órgano, la cirugía de trasplantes se ha desarrollado espectacularmente brindando esperanza y calidad de vida a muchos enfermos.