
MongoDB can help you make a difference to the business. Tens of thousands of organizations, from startups to the largest companies and government agencies, choose MongoDB because it lets them build applications that weren’t possible before. With MongoDB, these organizations move faster than they could with relational databases at one tenth of the cost. With MongoDB, you can do things you could never do before.
Build your MongoDB expertise with free online courses to teach you how to build and deploy MongoDB. Each class runs for seven weeks with new lesson videos, quizzes and homework assignments released each week.

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M100: MongoDB for SQL Pros (MongoDB)

Self Paced
M100: MongoDB for SQL Pros (MongoDB)
Free Course
Learn how to map your relational databases knowledge to MongoDB. This course will guide you on how to draw parallels between your existing knowledge and experience with relational databases and MongoDB. The course will contrast modeling a schema and writing application code and queries for a relational database versus [...]

M220N: MongoDB for .NET Developers (MongoDB)

Learn the essentials of ASP.NET application development with MongoDB. This course will teach you how to use MongoDB as the database for an ASP.NET application. You will play the role of a back-end developer for an ASP.NET application, where your job is to implement the application's communication with MongoDB. [...]

M320: Data Modeling (MongoDB)

Self Paced
M320: Data Modeling (MongoDB)
Free Course
Learn everything you need to know about data modeling for MongoDB. After completing this course, you should have a good understanding of how to create data models for MongoDB. We will go over a few techniques, from a very simple process for simple schemas to more complex ones for [...]

M103: Basic Cluster Administration (MongoDB)

Learn the essentials of database administration in MongoDB. This course will provide you with the tools and insight to administer basic MongoDB deployments with confidence. You'll build standalone nodes, replica sets and sharded clusters from scratch. These will serve as platforms to learn how administration varies depending on the [...]

M121: The MongoDB Aggregation Framework (MongoDB)

Learn how to use MongoDB's Aggregation Framework. This course will provide you with the knowledge to use MongoDB Aggregation Framework with confidence on your application development practices. You’ll build an understanding about how to use MongoDB Aggregation Framework pipeline, document transformation and data analysis. We will look into the [...]

M001: MongoDB Basics (MongoDB)

Learn the fundamentals of MongoDB. In this course you will learn how to set up your database and start exploring different ways to search, create, and analyze your data with MongoDB. We will cover database performance basics, and discover how to get started with creating applications and visualizing your [...]

M201: MongoDB Performance (MongoDB)

Learn how to optimize the performance of your MongoDB deployment. This course will cover how to use best practices for achieving performance at scale in a MongoDB system. By the end of this course, you should be familiar with the different techniques used to increase the performance of MongoDB [...]

M220JS: MongoDB for Javascript Developers (MongoDB)

Learn the essentials of Node.js application development with MongoDB. This course will teach you how to use MongoDB as the database for a Node.js application. You will play the role of a back-end developer for a Node.js application, where your job is to implement the application's communication with MongoDB. [...]

M220P: MongoDB for Python Developers (MongoDB)

Learn the essentials of Python application development with MongoDB. This course will teach you how to use MongoDB as the database for a Python application. You will play the role of a back-end developer for a Python application, where your job is to implement the application's communication with MongoDB. [...]

A300: Atlas Security (MongoDB)

Learn about the security features available in MongoDB Atlas. When creating applications, it is important that your users have trust that their data is safe. MongoDB Atlas has everything you need to ensure that your applications are compliant and secure. In this course, you will gain the skills necessary [...]