Writing and Editing: Polishing a Manuscript | Learn with Wattpad (Skillshare)

Writing and Editing: Polishing a Manuscript | Learn with Wattpad (Skillshare)
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Writing and Editing: Polishing a Manuscript | Learn with Wattpad (Skillshare)
Join one of Wattpad's most successful writers Ali Novak for a fun, straightforward class on editing and revising your writing. While writing a draft is a feat in itself, revising and editing your work is when your story takes shape and the real writing begins! In this 25-minute class, Ali walks through the process of polishing a manuscript for publication.

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She works on strengthening each part of her story, examining plot holes, pacing, and character structure — all to help you learn a set of techniques to level up your writing and make your work clean, concise, and clear.

Whether you're a writer looking to get your work published, or you just enjoy writing and want to improve your critical eye, this class will help turn your ideas and drafts into well-developed, polished stories.

Polish a draft of your writing.

Your assignment is to take a draft of your own writing and polish it so it's ready to publish. Whether you publish on a personal blog, on Wattpad, with a publishing company, or just in your own space, use this prompt to get your draft to a place that makes you proud!

Be sure to consider the following key steps:

- Fix plot holes

- Examine character goals

- Kill your darlings

- Revise

- Edit

Share a polished final piece of writing with the class, and feel free to include your edits along the way. Feedback from fellow students will be very useful here!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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