People, Technology and the Future of Mobility (Coursera)

People, Technology and the Future of Mobility (Coursera)
Course Auditing

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People, Technology and the Future of Mobility (Coursera)
Welcome to the People Technology & Future of Mobility course! This course provides a lay-person’s introduction to some of the major technological innovations currently underway in the mobility space and asks learners to apply a variety of social science concepts to understand the likely social impacts of these technologies. The course is appropriate for learners from all backgrounds and does not require prior training in engineering or social science.

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The content presented in this course draws on a number of interviews and lectures and was created through a partnership with Siemens.

This course challenges learners to envision mobility of the future that is safer, cleaner, and more equitable. We will examine recent technological advances, as well as the socio-economic and policy implications, of two major evolving mobility-related technology spaces: electrification and automation.



Week 1: Course Introduction and Background

In Week 1 of the course, we'll lay out some of the basic concepts that we’ll be working with throughout the course, concepts like Mobility, Electrification & Automation


Week 2: Electrification—The Basic Technologies (Part 1)

In week 2, we'll start talking about electrification. What is the state-of-the-art technology, in terms of batteries and other features of the vehicles themselves.


Week 3: Electrification—The Basic Technologies (Part 2)

In week 3, we'll continue our discussion of electrification, shifting our focus from batteries to the electricity infrastructure that will support electric vehicles. We'll also think about stakeholders and different perspectives on electrification.


Week 4: Electrification—The Impacts

What impacts will electrification have on human lives (environment, economy, health) from a sustainability and equity perspective?


Week 5: Vehicle Automation—The Basic Technologies

What is automation and what role does it play in the automotive and transportation sectors?


Week 6: Automation—The Impacts

What impacts will automation have on human lives (environment, economy, health) from equity and safety perspectives?

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
49.00 EUR

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.