Free Class - Screenplay Character Introductions Part 1: Description (Skillshare)

Free Class - Screenplay Character Introductions Part 1: Description (Skillshare)
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Free Class - Screenplay Character Introductions Part 1: Description (Skillshare)
Scripts have no space to waste. We need to get readers onboard and we need to do it fast. A great way to get people connected is to give them some insight into the characters from the moment they meet them. A generic character description isn’t going to cut it. In a short amount of time, we need our readers to be invested and curious.

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How do we make characters immediately engage a reader?

This class will work on the most effective ways to Introduce Characters into your story using Description. The next class (Part Two) will expand the topic by including Action and Dialogue


If you’re like me, you love to learn by seeing what others have done. By reviewing Movie and TV scripts we get a grasp of how talented writers, quickly and creatively get us engaged in their characters.

It’s time to show us what you’ve got!

We will do quick fun writing exercises to practice what you've learned. .

No special equipment needed for this class!

These exercises will be fun and creative. So, if you’re new and testing the waters of screenplay writing, no worries! Just use a Word Doc or pen and paper. If you are an experienced screenwriter who just wants to focus on this skill, feel free to use your scriptwriting software.

Is this class only for Screenwriters?

Although we’ll spend a bit of time on the quirks that are unique to a script, I guarantee, that whatever type of writer you are, I will get you rethinking how little it takes, for a character to make a great first impression!

I love working with prompts. This way our brains don’t get stuck on “I have no good ideas!!” Instead we get to ask the empowering question, “How do I make this work?” Nothing like some random weird prompt to get those synapses’ firing!

Additional bonus: We creative’s always worry we aren’t original. When students see that every person comes up with their own unique version, with the exact same data…it’s freeing!


Students will be given a randomly chosen name, age and 3 characteristics and then write a brief Description of the character and/or their environment. (Only 1 to 2 lines)

They can use the same information and see how many ways they can create an interesting character!

The goal is to use this limited space creatively and give us the essence of the character. Or intrigue us to want to read more.

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MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.