New York University is a global platform for inventing new solutions to humanity's challenges. The university strives to be a quality international center of scholarship, teaching and research. As one of the nation's most respected institutions, NYU Tandon School of Engineering aligns with this mission. Tandon offers comprehensive courses in engineering, applied science and technology. Each course is rooted in a tradition of invention and entrepreneurship.

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Penetration Testing - Post Exploitation (edX)

Learn post-exploitation phases of penetration testing, including Owning, Pivoting, Privilege Escalation and other advanced penetration testing topics. The machine's value is determined by the sensitivity of the data stored on it and the machine's usefulness in further compromising the network.

Penetration Testing - Exploitation (edX)

Learn exploitation phase of penetration testing, including the foundations of explorations, application debugging, reverse engineering, exploitation development and web application exploitation. This is a self-paced course that continues the development of ethical hacking skills. The curriculum provides an introduction to the exploitation phase of penetration testing topics. Among the [...]

Network Security - Protocols (edX)

Future dates to be announced
Network Security - Protocols (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn more fundamentals of network security, including cryptographic algorithms used in networking protocols, TLS/SSL, IPSec Layer 2 Security and Wireless Security. Students are provided with a broad understanding of cryptography, from its classical applications dating from the Roman empire to modern cryptography, including the public key cryptography and hashing [...]

Network Security - Introduction to Network Security (edX)

Learn fundamentals of network security, including a deep dive into how networks are attacked by malicious users. This is a self-paced course that provides an introduction to network security topics. The curriculum focusses on how malicious users attack networks. The material is essential in later classes that will develop [...]

Advanced Data Structures (edX)

Self Paced
Advanced Data Structures (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the advanced programming topics in the C++ programming language, including file processing, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, binary search trees and tree balancing algorithms. This is the 4th course in the intermediate, undergraduate-level offering that makes up the larger Programming and Data Structures MicroBachelors [...]

Information Security - Introduction to Information Security (edX)

Learn the fundamentals of information security, including Security Design Principles, Threat Modeling and Security Policy. This is a self-paced course that provides an introduction to information security and cybersecurity. Students gain a broad overview of Information Security and Privacy (ISP) through high-level ISP concepts. We discuss both traditional design [...]

Information Security - Advanced topics (edX)

Learn more fundamentals of information security, including Injection Attacks and Defenses, Privacy and Anonymity Software Validity and Rights, Cryptocurrency. This is the 3rd course in the intermediate, undergraduate-level offering that makes up the larger Cybersecurity Fundamentals MicroBachelors Program. [...]

Introduction to Programming in C++ (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction to Programming in C++ (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the fundamentals of programming in the C++ programming language, including iteration, decision branching, data types and expression. This is the 1st course in the intermediate, undergraduate-level offering that makes up the larger Programming and Data Structures MicroBachelors program.

Advanced Database Administration (edX)

Self Paced
Advanced Database Administration (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the fundamentals of administering relational database management systems, including managing concurrency and creating objects in the database. This course is a continuation of the basic concepts, organization, and implementation models taught in the Introduction to Databases and Advanced Database Queries courses. [...]

Advanced Database Queries (edX)

Self Paced
Advanced Database Queries (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the fundamentals of interacting with relational database management systems, including issuing advanced queries that return complicated results sets. This course is a continuation of the basic concepts, organization, and implementation models taught in the Introduction to Databases course, with an emphasis on the relational model. Among the topics [...]