Unlocking Information Security Professional Certificate

What you will learn:
- The main concepts and technologies in the field of Information Security
- A vast array of design, implementation and operational vulnerabilities
- The principles of secure computer systems
- Ways to take part in the design and implementation of secure computer systems
- How to identify situations that should involve information security considerations and make informed decisions about them

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Unlocking Information Security II: An Internet Perspective (edX)

Continue learning how systems are hacked and defended. Information Security is everywhere: as the world becomes more and more digitized, so it becomes more and more hackable. Cyber attacks, data breaches, and even cyber warfare are all very real - so it's infinitely important to understand how hackers think [...]

Unlocking Information Security I: From Cryptography to Buffer Overflows (edX)

Learn how systems are hacked and defended. Information Security is everywhere: as the world becomes more and more digitized, so it becomes more and more hackable. Cyber attacks, data breaches, and even cyber warfare are all very real - so it is infinitely important to understand how hackers think [...]