Storytelling for Aspiring Entrepreneurs Professional Certificate

What you will learn:
- Apply The Lean Startup’s build-measure-learn feedback cycle to your startup concept to create products and services that customers want.
- Give life and bring emotion to your concept through the art of storytelling by defining, ethos, examples, anecdotes, hypotheticals, illustrations, humor and images.
- Work smarter, not harder by integrating early adopters into the conceptualization phase of your startup to reduce uncertainty.
- Get yourself out there to convey your concept through compelling storytelling during customer development conversations, group networking events and investor pitches.
- Run experiments to test each element of your vision so that your learnings can be validated scientifically with real customer feedback.

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Applied Storytelling (edX)

In this interactive and dynamic course, you will learn how to establish and integrate the art of storytelling more powerfully into your career and everyday life. There is no art form as eternal or essential as storytelling. It conjures images across time and space: whether experienced around the campfire, [...]