Microsoft Power BI

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Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI (edX)

Step up your analytics game and learn one of the most in-demand job skills in the United States. Power BI is a robust business analytics and visualization tool from Microsoft that helps data professionals bring their data to life and tell more meaningful stores. This four-week course is a [...]

Herramientas de la Inteligencia de Negocios (edX)

Aprende el proceso de extraer y transformar data para generar insumos y tomar decisiones. Usa software, herramientas y sistemas de apoyo. Con este curso aprenderas a tomar decisiones empresariales exitosas. Para ello, aprenderas el proceso completo desde extraer data, hasta su integracion, visualizacion, depuracion, analisis y uso. Podr as [...]

Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI (Dataquest)

Self Paced
Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI (Dataquest)
Free Course
Gain the skills that will help you analyze and visualize data using Microsoft Power BI. You’ll learn how to spot trends, share and present key insights to stakeholders, and help your organization make data-driven decisions. By the end, you'll be ready for the Microsoft Power BI Analyst certification (PL-300/DA-100). [...]