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Asynchronous JavaScript Requests (Udacity)

Self Paced
Asynchronous JavaScript Requests (Udacity)
Free Course
Fetch Data Asynchronously. This course covers everything a developer needs to know to asynchronously send and receive data in their web applications. You'll dive into how asynchronous requests work by using the XHR object to create and send asynchronous requests for image and news article data. Then, you'll see [...]

Make Your Own App (edX)

Over 6 modules you will interactively learn the basics of web programming (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, ...) and how to utilize these techniques to build your own software applications for mobile or desktop devices (exemplified with a chat app).

Using JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON in Django (FutureLearn)

Understand how to use JavaScript, jQuery and JSON within the Django framework. Learn how JavaScript supports the framework of Django. Django is a Python web framework that encourages fast development and a clean, pragmatic design. This comprehensive course will introduce you to the JavaScript language, and will show you [...]

Intro to AJAX (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to AJAX (Udacity)
Free Course
Making Asynchronous Requests with jQuery. In this course you will learn how to make asynchronous requests with JavaScript (using jQuery’s AJAX functionality), and gain a better understanding of what’s actually happening when you do so. You will also learn how to use data APIs so you can take advantage [...]

Intro to jQuery (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to jQuery (Udacity)
Free Course
Manipulating Websites with Ease. jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library today, in use by over 60% of the top 100,000 most visited websites. This course will teach you how to use jQuery’s core features - DOM element selections, traversal and manipulation. You'll also learn how to read and [...]

Learn Projects In JavaScript And JQuery (Eduonix)

Master JavaScript and jQuery by building 10 real world projects in this brilliant JavaScript and jQuery online tutorial. JavaScript is the world's most popular language and is widely used in almost all web projects. JQuery has also become hugely popular within few years of its launch.

Become A Certified Web Developer From Scratch (Eduonix)

This web programming courses is intended to be the one stop solution for web development training. We bring together the bunch of most popular web technologies and present them in a way which ensures quick and through learning. This will provide a perfect platform for any developer to start [...]

Design a Portfolio Gallery using jQuery (Eduonix)

Introduced in 1995 as a means of being a competitor for Java, JavaScript has grown to become one of the most popular interpreted programming language. Designed for developing network-centric applications, the language is the most used for almost all types of programming including client-side scripting, servers-side networking and even [...]

Learn jQuery Ajax and PHP by creating a Shoutbox application (Eduonix)

JavaScript is one of the most commonly used programming languages on the Web. It is a lightweight, interpreted programming language that is integrated with Java and HTML. An open-source and a cross platform language, JavaScript has made developing web pages easier because of its ability to support object-oriented programming [...]

Learn jQuery and JavaScript by creating an apply style thumb Slider (Eduonix)

Originally started as a programming language for web pages, JavaScript has evolved from a simple programming language to many other streams including runtime environments, web applications, game development, etc. It has similar features to other programming languages such as variables, curly braces, control structures, functions, loops, etc. This is [...]