Internationalization and Localization Professional Certificate

What you will learn:
Explain the rationale for both internationalization and localization
Identify and distinguish roles of different professionals involved in internationalization and localization
Explain different resource sourcing models used in the localization industry
Address a broad range of internationalization challenges for digital products, from proper text encoding and use of regional formats to cultural sensitivity and awareness in the context of translation and localization
Describe key concepts of project management in localization, including project stages and the balance between quality, schedule and cost
Explain the peculiarities of translation in the broader context of localization and understand computer-assisted translation tools and the use of machine translation in the localization industry
Apply quality assurance measures to internationalization and localization

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Localization: Adapting Digital Content to Local Markets (edX)

Learn what it takes to tailor digital products for international markets through localization. See how translation works in today’s industry. Find out what other steps a localization project entails and how cost, schedule and quality are managed. Want to know how to make your product relevant worldwide? Curious what [...]

Introduction to Internationalization and Localization (edX)

The first MOOC to teach internationalization and localization end to end. Learn how a digital product needs to be designed to be world-ready and how it is getting adapted to the needs of all its international target markets. This introductory course covers all the basics!

Internationalization: Creating Digital Content for the World (edX)

Learn how a digital product becomes world-ready: how does it need to be designed for worldwide release without altering its code for each market? Who needs to be involved in which stages of the process? How do you do assure quality for world-readiness?