Vladislav Petkov

Vladislav Petkov is a coordinator, expert and activist on issues of social justice in Bulgaria, particularly in the sphere of anti-racism, gender equality and LGBTI rights. He holds master’s degrees in Law and Cultural Anthropology, and is currently doing a PhD on cultural anthropology at Sofia University with his research focused on cultural populism. He was trained as a trainer on human rights education by the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Youth and Sports back in 2009 and since then has planned and facilitated numerous learning processes on local, national and international level on topics, related to human rights.

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Make it visible! Working with young people against (invisible) racism (Youth MOCC)

Self Paced
Make it visible! Working with young people against (invisible) racism (Youth MOCC)
Free Course
Make it Visible is an online course that aims to improve the competences of youth workers, educators, teachers, activists, and anyone interested, in how to run educational activities with young people raising awareness and preventing any form of racism.