Tanja Leskovar

Tanja has microbiology background from University of Ljubljana and MBA, she has worked as product manager in Pharmaceutical multinational corporation for 8 years.
Over 10 years now, she is actively engaged at Institute for African Studies, Slovenia where she is working as expert and project manager on global education, migration, human trafficking, empowerment and advocacy of vulnerable groups, providing psychosocial support and capacity building.
She has led many national roundtables with key stakeholders regarding, among others, global interconnectedness, migration & refugee topics, international seminars on inclusion of migrants, etc.
Her passion is working in the field of Global Education as trainer and facilitator striving to lead professionals as teachers and youth workers, and youth through learning process to achieve their full potential for sustainable oriented actions and to empower youth to become active advocates on Global topics as equality, sustainability and responsibility. As youth worker and expert in this digital world, she is all the time learning to be able to combine knowledge with a range of existing diverse digital tools to produce pop methodologies.
Her motto is “Learning can be simple, funny and worthy”

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Global education goes POP (Youth MOOC)

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Global education goes POP (Youth MOOC)
Free Course
The general idea of this MOOC is to bring the global education dimension into youth work by exploring and learning how to use the POP culture as an element of mobilizing young people and connecting them to the Sustainable development goals.