Miquel Duran

Miquel Duran is a professor of physical chemistry at the University of Girona carrying out research on theoretical and computational chemistry.

He has been always interested in the use of the Internet in Science Communication and teaching; however, a few years ago he attended a small course in magic that happened to be a cornerstone for him, by opening an amazing world to connect magic and science, and becoming an amateur magician. Miquel promotes actively open knowledge, is friends with MOOCs, and rides a mountain bike in his free time. It's kind of strange that his preferred quote belongs to "Le Petit Prince": "Tu sais, quand on est tellement triste, on aime les couchers de soleil". Actually, what is really strange is what he keeps lecturing everywhere: "This is me and my digital circumstances". By the way, Miquel is the enthusiastic organizer of the TEDxUdG series of events.

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Making MOOCs on a budget (Canvas Network)

This course will show you how to build a massive open online course (MOOC), including lots of tips and tricks, at an affordable cost. It covers content creation and content sourcing from the web, assessment at large scale using quizzes and peer assignments, communication between learners and course design. [...]