Jorge Russo dos Santos

Jorge Russo dos Santos is originally from Portugal. After studying engineering in college, he started working for Microsoft in Ireland, where he was the localizer of the first server operating system localized into European Portugese. This started his career at Microsoft and in the localization industry, where he progressed to the role of software engineer and later project manager working across software and content. Russo dos Santos relocated to Microsoft's Seattle-area headquarters in 2003. At Microsoft, he worked on Windows' Server and Tools and Cloud and Enterprise divisions, which involved different sets of languages, methodologies and challenges. Russo dos Santos also worked at Cisco on hardware, firmware and multimedia localization. He is a certified project manager professional who's passionate about localization; he truly believes that one's native language should not be a barrier to access information or technology, and he's made it his life's work.

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Localization: Adapting Digital Content to Local Markets (edX)

Learn what it takes to tailor digital products for international markets through localization. See how translation works in today’s industry. Find out what other steps a localization project entails and how cost, schedule and quality are managed. Want to know how to make your product relevant worldwide? Curious what [...]

Introduction to Internationalization and Localization (edX)

The first MOOC to teach internationalization and localization end to end. Learn how a digital product needs to be designed to be world-ready and how it is getting adapted to the needs of all its international target markets. This introductory course covers all the basics!

Internationalization: Creating Digital Content for the World (edX)

Learn how a digital product becomes world-ready: how does it need to be designed for worldwide release without altering its code for each market? Who needs to be involved in which stages of the process? How do you do assure quality for world-readiness?