Dariusz Grzemny

Dariusz Grzemny is a youth worker in Poland and a trainer/consultant in educational projects across Europe dealing with anti-discrimination and human rights education. Rooted in local youth groups, his international work experience includes the Amnesty International Secretariat in London, where he worked as a human rights education advisor and the Council of Europe where he was an educational advisor. He is a member of the Pool of Trainers in the Youth Directorate of the Council of Europe. He was involved in the development and implementation of the No Hate Speech Movement campaign in the Council of Europe. He is an author of several educational materials on human rights education. He is the editor and co-author of the revised version of „Gender Matters – a Manual on Gender-based Violence Affecting Young People”.

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Make it visible! Working with young people against (invisible) racism (Youth MOCC)

Self Paced
Make it visible! Working with young people against (invisible) racism (Youth MOCC)
Free Course
Make it Visible is an online course that aims to improve the competences of youth workers, educators, teachers, activists, and anyone interested, in how to run educational activities with young people raising awareness and preventing any form of racism.