Daniel Pérez del Prado

Professor in Labor and Social Security Law at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. B.A. in Law an B.A. in Economics Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2008; Master Degree in Private Law Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2010; Ph. D. In Law. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2014. His main areas of expertise are employment policies and flexicurity, economic and social efficiency social policies, unemployment protection and incentives for hiring, and collective bargaining and salaries.

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SDG: Moving Towards Sustainable Work (edX)

Decent work is thecritical engine of sustainable development. This course explores the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals and mechanisms for developing decent and sustainable work. The United Nations' Sustainable Development 2030 Agenda gives us the opportunity to change and improve the lives of millions of people. These widespread efforts [...]

Escuela de trabajo decente (edX)

Contribuye a incrementar productividad y satisfacción en el empleo a través de herramientas que fomenten el trabajo decente en la empresa. La “Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo sostenible” es un plan de acción universal para la consecución de 17 objetivos, los llamados “Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible” o, simplemente, “ODS”. [...]