Charles Brubaker

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Advanced Operating Systems (Udacity)

Abstractions and Virtualization. In this course, we will see all the advances that have led to the state-of-the-art operating system that we know today, covering variety of platforms -- cell phones, multi-core, parallel systems, distributed systems, and cloud computing.

Computability, Complexity & Algorithms (Udacity)

The Power and Limitation of Algorithms. In this course, we will ask the big questions, "What is a computer? What are the limits of computation? Are there problems that no computer will ever solve? Are there problems that can’t be solved quickly? What kinds of problems can we solve [...]

GT - Refresher - Advanced OS (Udacity)

The course covers the basics of Memory Systems, File Systems, Multithreaded Programming, and Networking. Together these form a strong foundation from which the student can understand cutting edge research in the areas of Virtualization, Distributed Systems, and Internet-scale services in the GT Advanced Operating Systems [...]