Winter Landscape in Watercolour (Skillshare)

Winter Landscape in Watercolour (Skillshare)
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Winter Landscape in Watercolour (Skillshare)
Welcome to my course, Winter Landscape in watercolours. Today we will be painting a simple, beginner level landscape, using a limited palette and very simple techniques. I believe that watercolour is the most relaxing medium, mainly because we use a lot of water in the process. To be able to watch the flow of paint and water on paper feels very therapeutic. That combined with some drawing techniques lets me create some of my favourite scenes I'd like to live in!

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Through this class, I hope to share my knowledge and passion of watercolours with you and guide you to paint something you will be very proud of!

What will you learn?

- Create Thumbnail sketch of your idea

- basic drawing tips

Basic techniques of watercolour ;

- wet in wet

- wet on dry

- lifting off

- How much water to use

- How much pigment to use

Paint a simple winter landscape in watercolour.

You need not paint all the elements in my example. please feel free to change the look of the landscape according to your personal preference. I can always guide you if you need any extra help.

Please share your final painting and progress shots with the class by uploading to the "Your Project" section. If you have any questions or need more tips, please let me know and I am happy to help!

Who is this class for?

This class is for beginners, who would like to learn the basic techniques of the medium as well as some basic tips of creating good art work.

The techniques you learn here can be applied to any watercolour paintings in the future.

Project Description

Paint a simple winter landscape in watercolour.

You need not paint all the elements in my example. please feel free to change the look of the landscape according to your personal preference. I can always guide you if you need any extra help.

Please share your final painting and progress shots with the class by uploading to the "Your Project" section. If you have any questions or need more tips, please let me know and I am happy to help!

Suggested materials:

. Watercolour paint

. Watercolour brushes: one flat (1 or 2 inch), round pointed brush(size 10 or 12), rigger brushe/ fine liners

. Watercolour paper ( 300 gsm weight)

. 2 Jars of water

. Palette ( large plate, any palette with large mixing area)

. Kitchen towel/ tissue to absorb excess water/pigment

. Masking tape

. pencil and eraser

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.