Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (Coursera)

Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Beginner's knowledge/experience in transboundary water management.

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Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (Coursera)
If you are a student, a professional, an academic, or policy/decision maker involved in water cooperation and diplomacy, this MOOC is addressed to you. It enhances your scientific knowledge and capacities to engage in water cooperation and diplomacy processes; it also gives you ammunition to contribute to the public debate and discourses on shared waters. Finally, it connects you with other professionals, students, decision and policy makers as well as academics from around the world, and offers you opportunities to exchanges views, experiences and knowledge with them.

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If you are a student, a professional, an academic, or policy/decision maker involved in water cooperation and diplomacy, this MOOC is addressed to you.

It enhances your scientific knowledge and capacities to engage in water cooperation and diplomacy processes; it also gives you ammunition to contribute to the public debate and discourses on shared waters. Finally, it connects you with other professionals, students, decision and policy makers as well as academics from around the world, and offers you opportunities to exchanges views, experiences and knowledge with them.

This course is composed of five modules and includes a variety of innovative training material i.e. lectures, interviews, maps, case studies, exercises and simulations.

Main topics include:

• The core features of the concept of water diplomacy

• The causes and dynamics of water conflicts and cooperation

• Water Diplomacy Tools and Processes

• Legal and institutional frameworks for water cooperation and diplomacy, and

• The role of information and knowledge in water cooperation and diplomacy processes

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Introduction to the core features of the concept of water diplomacy

In this module you are introduced to the core features of the concept of water diplomacy. You familiarize with various definitions of water diplomacy, as well as existing similiarities and differences among them. You are presented with key elements related to the implementation of water diplomacy i.e. scales, actors and challenges .

Causes and dynamics of water conflicts and cooperation

Transboundary water interaction takes place at different stages of conflict and cooperation. It also often happens simultaneously at various levels and in formal and informal ways. In this module you will learn how relations between actors are influenced by geographical, political and economic asymmetries and what the main theoretical approaches to explain water conflict and cooperation, are.

Water diplomacy tools and processes

This module increases your understanding and practice of, water diplomacy tools. It inspires you to be involved in related processes at various levels with various actors. It does so by (i) explaining everything you need to know on the main three tracks of water diplomacy, (ii) taking you through hands-on exercises, and (iii) assessing acquired skills needed when addressing complex water issues, in the future.

Legal and institutional frameworks for water cooperation and diplomacy

This module increases your understanding of various legal and institutional frameworks relevant to water cooperation and diplomacy. You will be able to understand, name and explain a number of legal tools and institutional arrangements whose use is pertinent to water cooperation and diplomacy.

The role of data, information and knowledge in water cooperation and diplomacy

Data exchange and joint fact finding can contribute to building trust, and information and knowledge informs transboundary water management. However, data on water resources can be protected as matter of national security which prevents data exchange. Identifying what data and information is needed to take decisions is a difficult task, and power imbalances can influence data collection, knowledge production, and narratives. This module teaches you who produces and uses data, information and knowledge, and how different actors use these to influence water cooperation.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
45.00 EUR
Beginner's knowledge/experience in transboundary water management.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.