The Unofficial Hunting Guide to Reviewhunt (Skillshare)

The Unofficial Hunting Guide to Reviewhunt (Skillshare)
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The Unofficial Hunting Guide to Reviewhunt (Skillshare)
The future of brand advocacy is here...decentralized and tokenized, reviewhunt! -- this unofficial hunting guide will get you up to speed with everything you need to know as a HUNTER using the second vertical from the steemhunt team the best thing is you get paid/incentivized for your time with cryptocurreny, mainly the HUNT token, and with a firm community support on the steem blockchain!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Brand advocacy and influencers is a massive component these days for brands. Massive monthly marketing spends happen across a variety of social channels and the quality of there outcome is often untrackable and random at best.

Reviewhunt and it's tokenised HUNT token is potentially going to change all that.

my course, following on from my previous 'intro' to getting started on steemhunt via a steem blockchain account is for complete newbies to understand the platform and to understand how to be a successful reviewer on the platform.

In this course you will learn...

- how hunters can perform tasks to earn HUNT cryptocurrency

- as a maker to run 'quests' to get great reviews and engagement

- why your social media channels reach are now hugely valuable

- what are tokenomics and how your time is now incentivized

- the next place where youtubers will potentially flock too!

- how moderation takes places on the platform

- how you can mobilize a global brand advocate team

- the modern way to utilize tokenomics to spend your marketing budget

If you are interested in where the future of brand advocacy is going and you make video content as a content creator on the internet then you'll wanna start looking into tokenomics and crypto currency as payment for your incentive and time spent making it -- of course you can keep that crypto currency and watch as the price rises and falls like stocks on the stock market or you can convert to other crypto or fiat in your local country (personally i'd say diversify that digital portfolio and get a hardware wallet!)

Project Description

Maker or hunter i'd love to see your stunning profile shared here with me, i want to give you feedback on your bio and picture and make suggestions and learn all about where you make your social home on the web so please share your social links with me at the end of the course in this class project -- i've included my own video and links so you can get to know me as a hunter and moderator on the platform!

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.