Mastering Multithreading with Go (Coursera)

Mastering Multithreading with Go (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Basic knowledge of computer skills, understanding of any programming language, and IDE familiarity.

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Mastering Multithreading with Go (Coursera)
The "Multithreading in Golang" course offers an in-depth exploration of concurrent programming concepts using the Go programming language. Through a combination of theoretical explanations and practical hands-on exercises, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage the power of multithreading to develop efficient and scalable applications.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

The course covers topics such as goroutines, channels, synchronization primitives, race conditions, mutexes, and atomic operations. Participants learn how to design and implement concurrent algorithms, manage shared resources safely, and avoid common pitfalls such as deadlock and data races.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

- Understand Advanced concurrency patterns

- Work with Conditional variables and mutexes

- Analyze Thread Communication using Channels

- Understand deadlocks

- Implement Storage Management

- Analyze Memory Sharing Model in Go

This course is designed for Web developers, Data Scientists, System programmers, Security Researchers, Entrepreneurs, and freshers who aspire to build a career in web development.

Prior experience with any programming language is not mandatory but can ease the learning curve.

Begin an educational journey to become a master of Mastering Multithreading in Go while learning its best practices and enhancing your expertise in development.

This course is part of the Go Programming Language Specialization.


Concepts of Multithreading

The first week of this course is a gateway to understanding the fundamental principles that underlie concurrent programming. We'll work on the essential components of multithreading, such as threads, parallel computing, processes, memory sharing, advanced concurrency patterns, and communication mechanisms.

Goroutines Synchronization with Mutexes

In the second week of this course, you'll unravel the art of synchronizing – lightweight, concurrent threads in the Go language using Mutexes. You will also design concurrent programs that harness the full potential of goroutines while ensuring thread safety through the strategic use of Mutexes.

Conditional Variables and Deadlocks

This module is designed to delve into the concept of conditional variables in Golang, exploring how they facilitate communication and synchronization between goroutines. Additionally, the potential pitfalls that can lead to deadlocks and strategies to prevent and resolve them. By mastering these concepts, developers can ensure the reliability and efficiency of their concurrent applications in Golang.

Barriers, Atomic Variables and Spinning Locks

The forth week of this course is tailored for Go developers to seek an uderstanding of barriers, atomic variables and spinning locks. By mastering these concurrency primitives, developers can enhance the efficiency, scalability, and reliability of their Golang applications in concurrent environments.

Course Wrap Up and Assessment

This module is designed to assess an individual on the various concepts and teachings covered in this course. Answer a comprehensive quiz which marks you as a learner who is confident in Mastering Multithreading in Go.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month
Basic knowledge of computer skills, understanding of any programming language, and IDE familiarity.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.