Identifying and Caring for Multiclass Resistant Patients (AME)

Identifying and Caring for Multiclass Resistant Patients (AME)
Free Course
The program is aimed at clinicians from various specialties who occasionally treat HIV patients.

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Identifying and Caring for Multiclass Resistant Patients (AME)
This Online Education Activity is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) for 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®). Welcome to the Identifying and Caring for Multiclass Resistant Patients edition of the Online Meeting Highlights. Here you will learn more about how to define multiclass HIV drug resistance, factors that determine its frequency, understand pharmacological principles and drug interactions as well as critical steps when designing a salvage regimen.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Multiclass drug resistance (MDR) reduces available treatment options and may hamper the universal response to end the HIV epidemic. In an era of highly effective and diverse antiretroviral drugs, MDR emerges at a much lower rate. Yet, it is not uncommon.

Find out in this edition how to personalize the therapeutic approach for your patients with MDR, and which steps are the most important to take when designing a salvage regimen for this patient group. Here, you might face specific pharmacological challenges when managing drug interactions. Learn how to solve those through real-life examples.

For instance, what should be considered when treating a patient on a salvage regimen, who at the same time developed a severe Covid-19?

​All modules can be followed independently and at your own pace. Complete the entire course to equip yourself with the knowledge to address these specific challenges in your care and treatment of patients with HIV.

After following this eLearning activity, you will be able to:

- Define multiclass HIV drug resistance, outline factors that determine its frequency, and critical steps when designing a salvage regimen;

- Evaluate current options for active drugs in patients with multiclass resistance, including new drugs with a novel mechanism of action and no-cross resistance; and

- Understand pharmacological principles and drug interactions when designing a salvage regimen.

To obtain your certificate, you have complete all three modules, passed the relevant assessments and answered the evaluation survey.

Module 1 | Identifying and Diagnosing Multiclass Resistant Patients

Module 2 | Management of Multiclass Resistant Patients

Module 3 | Managing Drug Interactions in Patients on Salvage Regimens

Duration: approximately 20 minutes per module

You can enhance your learning experience by:

- adding notes to the video modules;

- consulting the accompanying presentation slides;

- sharing your questions and observations with other learners in the discussion board; and

- referring to further literature and other materials provided to you by our experts.

The program is aimed at clinicians from various specialties who occasionally treat HIV patients, such as primary care physicians, family doctors, OBGYN, transgender healthcare clinicians, adolescent medicine professionals, and preventive medicine professionals, as well as public health workers and researchers engaged in HIV related disciplines at varying degrees.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Free Course
The program is aimed at clinicians from various specialties who occasionally treat HIV patients.

MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.